if you cannot lock in, lock em


Contract Address:

Twitter Telegram Dexscreener Dextools


  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $LOCKEM
  • Staking Pool: 60%
  • Available for Users: 40%
  • No Team Tokens
  • Liquidity Burned

Start Staking

Lock your $LOCKEM tokens and earn rewards!

We've partnered with Smithii for secure and efficient staking. Learn more about:

  • Flexible lock periods: 3, 15, 30 days
  • Higher APY for longer lock periods
  • Compound your rewards automatically


Q: What is $LOCKEM? A: It's not just a memecoin, it's a lifestyle! Lock your tokens, unlock your future. Q: Why should I stake my $LOCKEM? A: Because HODLing is so 2021. We're all about that lock and load life. Q: Is $LOCKEM safe? A: As safe as using your grandma's computer to mine Bitcoin! Q: Why the retro design? A: Because we're bringing staking back... to the future! Q: How do I buy $LOCKEM? A: You can buy $LOCKEM on decentralized exchanges. Copy and paste the ca on Jupiter. Q: What's the minimum staking amount? A: You can stake as little as 1000 $LOCKEM tokens. Every bit counts!

Pool 1 - Base

Target: Small investors and new users
Available Tokens: 120,000,000 LOCKEM (20%)
Daily Rewards: 400,000 LOCKEM
Reward per Token: 0.04 LOCKEM/day
Minimum Lock Time: 3 days

Example: Stake 1,000 LOCKEM and earn:
40 LOCKEM/day or 120 LOCKEM in 3 days!

Pool 2 - Intermediate

Target: Medium investors
Available Tokens: 180,000,000 LOCKEM (30%)
Daily Rewards: 1,200,000 LOCKEM
Reward per Token: 0.06 LOCKEM/day
Minimum Lock Time: 15 days

Example: Stake 10,000 LOCKEM and earn:
600 LOCKEM/day or 9000 LOCKEM in 15 days!

Pool 3 - Advanced

Target: Large investors
Available Tokens: 300,000,000 LOCKEM (50%)
Daily Rewards: 2,000,000 LOCKEM
Reward per Token: 0.08 LOCKEM/day
Minimum Lock Time: 30 days

Example: Stake 100,000 LOCKEM and earn:
8,000 LOCKEM/day or 240,000 LOCKEM in 30 days!


Phase 1: Launch

Token launch, website release, social media setup

Phase 2: Staking

Implement staking mechanism, launch dApp

Phase 3: Partnerships

Collaborate with other projects and influencers. Expand ecosystem

Phase 4: Governance

Introduce community voting for project decisions


Join our vibrant community of $LOCKEM enthusiasts!

  • Daily memes and giveaways
  • Weekly AMA sessions with the team
  • Community-driven development
  • Exclusive events for stakers

How to Buy

  1. Set up a Web3 wallet for Solana(e.g., Phantom, Backpack)
  2. Buy SOL on a CEX
  3. Connect your wallet to a DEX (e.g., Jupiter, Raydium)
  4. Swap SOL for $LOCKEM
  5. HODL or start staking for rewards!